After reading A Letter to My Father, Al B Sure, it came to my surprise that Al was totally absent in the life of his son Quincy Brown (in the middle) next to his mother (Kim Porter) and surrogate father Diddy. Quincy's feelings towards his father are warranted if all is indeed true, but I sense there's more to the story. Hmmm let's see, Al B Sure's popularity faded around the time Kim gave birth to Quincy, so I assume Al wasn't in high demand to sing "Nite and Day" at venues anymore. So I wouldn't be shocked if Kim Porter's gold digger reputation coupled with bitterness, expanded the wedge between he and his son. There may be blame to go around on both sides. Who knows? Either way, Quincy has a song called " Letter To My Father" which makes his biological dad look like such a loser.
Letter To My Father - iQ
the boy is trying to break into the business.. i think this is a publicity stunt. I'm almost sure there is another side to this story(yes I'm looking at you Kim Porter)... but clearly this boy is affected by his father's absenteeism..so I'll wait for the Al B Sure's "not meant to be released" diss track....lol