This didnt get that much play and isnt as good as Silk's Old School Mix with Common but I thought Chantay had a nice voice and could have been much bigger. This is one of the rare times where a remake is better or equal to the original. Shout out to Silk Hurley..
This season of MTB4 is shaping up to be like the Bad Girls Club starring Day 26. Q is becoming the center of this show and he’s clearly a flight risk to this group’s success. Now with Diddy claming to not tolerate “bitchassness” on his label, why does he continue to let so much slide this season? Being the businessman that he is, maybe he just wants to film as much frustration as possible. I won’t be surprised if there are folks in the background planted by Diddy to amplify the anger even more. I mean really, Day 26 wasn’t an interesting group to watch on the prior seasons of Making The Band. They were just a random group of guys, a great voice here, a mediocre one there, not really exciting for reality tv. Danity Kane was the group everyone focused on each week to see what crazy shit the girls would do next. Now that DK is down to only two members, with no possible reunion in sight, they don’t have the same spark on the show. Day 26 are now tagged to keep the show poppin, since we all know DK and Donnie weren’t gonna make it happen…lol.
Day 26 meeting turns into an argument:
*Q’s mother (Mama Nicole) is part of the meeting rocking bamboo earrings like an extra from LL’s “Jinglin’ Baby”
*Will tells Q his focus is off…he’s caught up in dance rehearsals when they have a month to record an album.
*Brian asks Q what’s wrong with him. Q becomes argumentative and says, “Don’t play me like something is wrong with me, I’m living my life and I’m staying” uhhh ok, whatever that means…LOL.
*It ends with Q and Will fighting once again.
Que gets more “emotional”:
*Q cries about how he’s using his time wisely during dance rehearsals and the rest of them are manipulating him. Bitch please…lol.
*Q’s mother tells Will “it’s something deep”…you don’t say…LOL
Brutha 1
If I may add to this....Q's mother was SO NOT NEEDED.. even though she was on the side of the rest of the group she irked the hell out of me. Maybe if she stop putting pressure on him to support her..maybe he'll get over those emotional highs and lows.
Strangers forced to be in a music group on TV is a recipe for disaster.
Why haven't Will chin checked this fool Q already.. he got an ass whipping from regular stangers now Will needs to personally deliver one
Mike... STFU... save those unwarranted tears..i'm not 100% convinced he even knew why he was crying
I already got my ear plugs for next week... Brian is going to hit level 10 on the banshee scale.. I hope my surround sound doesnt blow out...
You can't help but laugh yet be sad when you listen to some of these talk radio hosts.
According to talk radio host Tammy Bruce (read about her right here ), she believes the Obamas are "trash in the White House". Does she even truly understand what Michelle meant by her comment? Does this trick just want to be controversial? She needs a hug...LMAO!
I don't know how new this actually is but I'm gonna post it This is produced by Bryan Michael Cox who I think is a nice writer but his production is starting to get on my nerves. All of his productions sound exactly the same. I hope this isn't the direction Monica is taking for her new album. If so its going to be received in the same manner as Brandy's Human album. Not that its bad, it just isn't great and in a time when R&B needs to come back to prominence I don't this effort is going to help. Her vocals are almost not needed on this type of track.
I was watching Soul Sessions on BET-J and stumbled across Wayna, who strikingly resembles Essence Atkins. When I finally saw her name at the end of the video, I still wanted to know if Dee Dee Throne from Half & Half changed her name to record music...LOL. Well she's not the oldest sister from Smart Guy, she just looks a lot like her. Wayna's "My Love" sounds like it's destined to gain more attention in the future.
BTW, I listened to these lyrics and this would make a good comeback record for Rihanna if she actually left Breezy and was a different type of singer.